Blogger Widgets

25 November, 2009


Part: Bass
Real Name: Suzuki Akira (鈴木 )
Blood type: A
Birthdate: May 27th 1981
Family: grandmother, mother, older sister
Peircings: 1 left ear, 1 right ear
Foot size: 26cm
Size of ring: About 17
Height: 172cm (5'7")
Weight: 55kg (110 pounds)
Place of birth: Kanagawa / Japan
Favorite perfume: I rarely use perfume. (recently Bvlgari)
Recent favorite to do: Collecting accessories and SEX PISTOLS's goods
Favorite tabacco: Mild Seven Light
Favorite drink: Life guard
Likes to Eat: Kit Kats and tarakosupa
Less favorite food: Vegetable, Very sweet food
My collection: DVD, something I feel Rock out of
Favorite person: A devoted, loyal person who is kind, giving, and has manners.
Disliked person: A person who uses bad words
Favorite type of woman: A feminine person. A person who has mature ideas.
Less favorite type of woman: A person who uses bad words.
Hobbies: Watching movies
Favorite brand of clothes: Deal Design, King Mob, TENDERLOIN, ANTICLASS
Wish to girls: Follow me.
Strong point: Myself
Weak point: Myself
Best Subject in School: Japanese
Favorite colors: Red, white, purple
Favorite animals: Parakette
Favorite Drama: Tokyo Love Story
Favorite Movie: FACE OFF
Favorite season: Spring, he likes the air.
Message: Come on baby!
Charm point: Hip
Pick Up Line: "Since I like you a lot, will you go out with me?"

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